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Jonas Neher

Group Leader

Jonas has been leading the group for Experimental Neuroimmunology since 2015. He is excited by new discoveries and by applying new technologies to understand the mechanisms of neurodegenerative disease.

Jessica Wagner

Jessica Wagner


Jessy is our expert for
medin amyloid and a crucial team-member. She has
developed many methods
for the detection and analysis of medin amyloidosis
in the aging and Alzheimer's
disease brain.

Ping Liu

Ping Liu


Ping studies molecular reprogramming of microglia in Parkinson's and Huntington's disease, using molecular analyses (scRNA/ATAC- and ChIP-seq) to examine their role in these diseases.


Desirée Brösamle

Graduate Student

Desirée is our bioinformatics and molecular biology specialist. She studies microglial heterogeneity in aging and Alzheimer's disease using single cell profiling approaches.


Nina Hermann

Graduate Student

Nina is developing our research on metabolic microglial reprogramming in Alzheimer disease and studies behavioural changes after microglial manipulation. 


Marleen Veit

Graduate Student

Marleen is investigating medin amyloid and its role in age-related vascular dysfunction and Alzheimer disease and is characterising new mouse models of medin pathology. 


Xidi Yuan


Xidi is our

neuroimmunology expert.

She is very interested in

microglia as well as T-cell function in the aged and inflamed brain.


Lisa Steinbrecher

Graduate Student

Lisa's work focuses on metabolic microglial reprogramming in Alzheimer's disease and its contribution to plaque pathology.


Katleen Wild

Technical Assistant

Kati is our lab manager,
and FACS specialist.
She keeps our lab
up and running!

Who We Are


coming soon...


The Neher lab

Feodor-Lynen-Str. 17

D-83177 Munich


© 2023 by the Neher lab

DISCLAIMER: All views expressed here are our own. The website was generated and is maintained by Jonas Neher. The host institutes and funders of the Neher lab are not responsible or liable for this website and its contents.

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